var sangarSetupSwipeTouch; ;(function($) { sangarSetupSwipeTouch = function(base, opt) { /** * Function: setupSwipeTouch */ this.setupSwipeTouch = function() { var IMG_WIDTH = opt.animation == "horizontal-slide" ? base.sangarWidth : base.sangarHeight; var currentImg = opt.continousSliding ? base.activeSlideContinous : base.activeSlide; var maxImages = base.numberSlides; var speed = opt.animationSpeed; var lastPosition = 0; var imgs; var swipeOptions = { triggerOnTouchEnd: true, triggerOnTouchLeave: true, swipeStatus: swipeStatus, allowPageScroll: "vertical", threshold: 300, excludedElements: "label, button, input, select, textarea, .noSwipe", // enable link (a) tap:function(event, target) { var href = $(target).attr('href'); var hrefTarget = $(target).attr('target'); if(href && href != "") { // link (a) can go if on tap mode if(hrefTarget && hrefTarget == "_blank") {,'_blank'); } else { window.location.href = href; } } return false; } }; jQuery(function () { imgs = opt.continousSliding ? base.$slideWrapper.children().children() : base.$slides; // prevent link (a) to go imgs.children('a').click(function(){ return false; }) imgs.swipe(swipeOptions); }); /** * Catch each phase of the swipe. * move : we drag the div * cancel : we animate back to where we were * end : we animate to the next image */ function swipeStatus(event, phase, direction, distance) { // reset width and currentImg in case slideshow have been resized IMG_WIDTH = opt.animation == "horizontal-slide" ? base.sangarWidth : base.sangarHeight; currentImg = opt.continousSliding ? base.activeSlideContinous : base.activeSlide; var curImgPosition = IMG_WIDTH * currentImg; if (phase == "start") { var slideWrapperPos = base.getTranslatePosition(base.$slideWrapper[0]); var lastestPosition = opt.animation == "horizontal-slide" ? slideWrapperPos.translateX : slideWrapperPos.translateY; lastestPosition = lastestPosition * -1; lastPosition = lastestPosition; } else if (phase == "move") { var duration = 0; if(opt.animation == "horizontal-slide") { if (direction == "left") { var pos = lastPosition < curImgPosition ? lastPosition : curImgPosition; scrollImages(pos + distance, duration); } else if (direction == "right") { var pos = lastPosition > curImgPosition ? lastPosition : curImgPosition; scrollImages(pos - distance, duration); } } else if(opt.animation == "vertical-slide") { if (direction == "up") { var pos = lastPosition < curImgPosition ? lastPosition : curImgPosition; scrollImages(pos + distance, duration); } else if (direction == "down") { var pos = lastPosition > curImgPosition ? lastPosition : curImgPosition; scrollImages(pos - distance, duration); } } } else if (phase == "cancel") { scrollImages(IMG_WIDTH * currentImg, speed); } else if (phase == "end") { if (direction == "right" || direction == "down") { previousImage(); } else if (direction == "left" || direction == "up") { nextImage(); } lastestPosition = base.$slideWrapper.position(); lastestPosition = lastestPosition['left'] * -1; } } function previousImage() { if(opt.continousSliding) { currentImg = currentImg - 1; doShiftAndSwipeScroll('prev'); } else { currentImg = Math.max(currentImg - 1, 0); doShiftAndSwipeScroll(currentImg); } } function nextImage() { if(opt.continousSliding) { currentImg = currentImg + 1; doShiftAndSwipeScroll('next'); } else { currentImg = Math.min(currentImg + 1, maxImages - 1); doShiftAndSwipeScroll(currentImg); } } function doShiftAndSwipeScroll(direction) { base.shift(direction); scrollImages(IMG_WIDTH * currentImg, speed); } /** * Manually update the position of the imgs on drag */ function scrollImages(distance, duration) { var slide_action = (distance < 0 ? "" : "-") + Math.abs(distance).toString(); var transform_css3, transform_js; if(opt.animation == "horizontal-slide") { transform_css3 = 'translate3d('+ slide_action +'px, 0, 0)'; transform_js = {"left": slide_action + 'px'}; } else if(opt.animation == "vertical-slide") { transform_css3 = 'translate3d(0, '+ slide_action +'px, 0)'; transform_js = {"top": slide_action + 'px'}; } if(base.css3support()) { // Get the properties to transition var properties = {}; properties[ '-' + base.vendorPrefix + '-transition-duration' ] = duration + 'ms'; properties[ '-' + base.vendorPrefix + '-transform' ] = transform_css3; // Do the CSS3 transition base.$slideWrapper.css(properties); // base.resetAndUnlock(); } else { base.$slideWrapper .animate(transform_js, duration, base.resetAndUnlock); } } } } })(jQuery);